Ballou STAY Child Care » Ballou STAY Child Care

Ballou STAY Child Care


Required Documents for Waitlist Placement:

  1.         UPO Application
    •       Ensure the application is fully completed.


  1.         Child's Birth Certificate or Medical Card
    •           For infants, bring the Hospital Discharge Documents.


  1.        Proof of Address
    •         Acceptable documents include:
      •      Child health insurance card
      •      Lease
      •      Water bill
      •      Electric or gas bill (must be no more than 30 days old)


  1.       Immunization Records
    •     Include the most recent Well Baby Check/DC Health Certificate.



Contact Information:

For more details, please reach out to Mr. Logan-El:




Note: Ensure all documents are up-to-date and accurate to avoid delays in the waitlist process.